Who would’ve thought that so much time, effort, arguments (oops, I mean discussions…), can go into that piece of paper that sticks onto the wine bottle. There is so much to consider – size, shape, texture, paper stock, colour, font etc, and ideas have been invading my thoughts since the day we decided to chase the Comyns & Co dream.
Finalising the label has been a big focus over the past month. We’ve been working with our Graphic Designer / Photographer / Creative Guru, Megan Johns-Kane, of MJK Creative to come up with something that captured the Comyns & Co. brand. The brief was easy (or so we thought) – it had to be cool, unique, bold, edgy and DIFFERENT. And we really think she has nailed it.
And this is where I must introduce the true hero behind our labels, my ridiculously talented little brother, Angus Comyns. Angus has been stencilling and screen printing for the past ten years, and his stuff is the definition of ‘cool’. From the first time I saw his art, I commented to Missy how they would make a great wine label. This was long before I was even thinking of my own wine brand, so it just went into the ‘ideas bank’ and filed away.
So since October 2015, Angus and I have been throwing our ideas around with many long, late night phone calls, Pinterest pins, text messages and emails, often ending up so very confused as to the direction I wanted Comyns and Co. to head in. So, I decided to take my ‘control’ pants off, and give my bro free rein to design seven different artworks.
Angus has worked around the clock on these artworks, working at his ‘day job’ by day and heading to the ‘studio’ (that is, his backyard and family home) by night, to create the Comyns & Co art for the labels. He has delivered something that I could never have imagined, and I bloody love them!! They are certainly unique and different and I am so amazingly proud of my brother and honoured that they will have pride of place on all of my wines.
Angus has used a fusion of colour, photographic imagery and text, creating organised and sometimes chaotic collages. Each artwork is individually customised, borrowing inspiration from original comics and cartoons as well as street, pop, graffiti and tattoo art. Hidden in the layers you will find favourite quotes, numerology and symbology that allow you to continue to find new themes and directions the longer you look at the piece. His artworks are certainly impressive!
So I raise a glass to you bro. I’ve loved working together on these with you and I cannot wait to see them on the bottles. Big thanks of course must also go to my sister-in-law Kirsty and my beautiful niece and nephew, Isla and Archie, for your support, patience and encouragement while Angus (Daddy) spent his loved family time on producing these pieces.
We are so very close to releasing our wines, so make sure you subscribe to our mailing list to receive our pre-release offer!

Angus’ art career has been impressive to date, being a finalist in the “Australian Stencil Art Prize” for the past 3 years running. Angus’ work consists of commissioned pieces for direct clients as well as cafes, restaurants, coffee machines and more. So jump on and take a look at his website to see more of his creative flare.